A Refreshing Sunday Morning: Hiking the La Jolla Beach Trail

San DiegoCalifornia

Brown Pelicans Brown Pelicans

This past Sunday morning, we enjoyed a leisurely hike on the La Jolla Beach Trail in San Diego, California. The easy 2.3-mile trail offered a relaxing stroll along the coast, with an overcast sky adding a cool and serene atmosphere to our adventure.

Overlook Overlook

A Tranquil Start

Elegant Tern Elegant Tern

We began our hike with the calming sound of waves crashing against the shore. The overcast sky provided a gentle light, making the beach appear even more tranquil.

Western Gull Western Gull

The La Jolla Beach Trail, known for its stunning ocean views and accessible path, was the perfect setting for a peaceful morning walk.

Cave Cave

Whimbrel and Oystercatcher

Whimbrel Whimbrel

Early into our hike, we were delighted to spot a Whimbrel walking along the beach. Its long, curved bill and distinctive markings made it a fascinating bird to watch. Not far from there, a Black Oystercatcher caught our attention with its striking black plumage and bright red bill, standing out beautifully against the rocky backdrop.

Black Oystercatcher Black Oystercatcher

Pelicans and Cormorants

Brown Pelican Brown Pelican

As we continued along the trail, we encountered many Brown Pelicans soaring gracefully above the waves. Their impressive wingspans and effortless gliding were a sight to behold.

Brandt's Cormorants Brandt's Cormorants

We also saw groups of Brandt's Cormorants and Double-crested Cormorants gathered on the rocks, their sleek black feathers glistening in the soft light.

Double-crested Cormorant Double-crested Cormorant

Among them, a few Pelagic Cormorants added to the variety, their slender forms and iridescent plumage catching our eyes.

Pelagic Cormorant Pelagic Cormorant

Delightful Bird Encounters

Black Phoebe Black Phoebe

Further along the trail, we spotted a Black Phoebe perched on a leaf, its distinctive black and white plumage making it easy to identify.

Western Gull Western Gull

Nearby, Western Gulls roamed the beach, their calls blending with the sound of the ocean. A group of Elegant Terns added a touch of elegance to our hike, their graceful flight and striking orange bills making them a highlight of our birdwatching experience.

Elegant Terns Elegant Terns

Fledgling Finch and Hummingbird

House Finch House Finch

Toward the end of our hike, we came across a fledgling House Finch, its youthful curiosity and delicate feathers bringing a smile to our faces. Finally, an Allen's Hummingbird flitted by, its vibrant colors and rapid wing beats a delightful end to our morning birdwatching adventure.

Allen's Hummingbird Allen's Hummingbird

Reflecting on Our Hike

Overlook Overlook

Our Sunday morning hike on the La Jolla Beach Trail was a perfect blend of easy physical activity and the joy of discovering the coastal wildlife. The overcast sky added a peaceful ambiance to our walk, making our time on the trail truly memorable.

Squirrel Squirrel


Overlook Overlook

As we reflect on our hike, we feel grateful for the opportunity to enjoy such a beautiful setting together.

Sea Lions Sea Lions

The La Jolla Beach Trail provided us with serene moments and delightful birdwatching encounters. We eagerly anticipate our next adventure, ready to explore more trails and uncover new wonders in the great outdoors.

Mauve honey myrtle Mauve honey myrtle

Length: 2.3 (miles)
Difficulty: easy
Date of the hike: 2024-07-21