A Delightful Morning: Hiking the Upper Beaver Meadow Loop Trail

ColoradoRocky MountainNational Park

Mountain Bluebird Mountain Bluebird

This past early July, we enjoyed a serene morning hike on the Upper Beaver Meadow Loop Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park. This easy 1.1-mile trail offered us a peaceful walk through beautiful meadows, warm sunny weather, and delightful birdwatching moments that made our morning truly special.

Trail View Trail View

A Sunny Start

Overlook Overlook

The day began with the sun shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the lush meadows. The Upper Beaver Meadow Loop Trail, known for its gentle terrain and stunning views, promised a relaxing and enjoyable hike. We were excited to explore the natural beauty of the park and discover its vibrant birdlife.

Hummingbird Encounter

Broad-tailed Hummingbird Broad-tailed Hummingbird

As we started our hike, we spotted a Broad-tailed Hummingbird perching on a branch. Its iridescent feathers shimmered in the sunlight, creating a dazzling display of colors. Watching this tiny bird rest quietly was a magical moment, adding a touch of enchantment to our morning.

Overlook Overlook

Magpie in the Sun

Black-billed Magpie Black-billed Magpie

Continuing along the trail, we noticed a Black-billed Magpie resting in the sun. Its striking black-and-white plumage stood out against the green backdrop of the meadow. The magpie seemed content as it basked in the warm rays, providing us with a wonderful opportunity to observe its beauty up close.

Flycatcher on Its Nest

Olive-sided Flycatcher Olive-sided Flycatcher

A little further along, we were thrilled to see an Olive-sided Flycatcher sitting on its nest. The flycatcher’s watchful eyes and steady demeanor were a testament to its dedication. Observing this intimate moment in nature was a highlight of our hike, reminding us of the wonders of the natural world.

Musical Tanager

Western Tanager Western Tanager

One of the most delightful experiences was hearing a Western Tanager singing. Its bright yellow and red plumage and melodious song added a cheerful note to our walk. The tanager’s beautiful tune echoed through the meadow, enhancing the peaceful ambiance of our hike.

Western Tanager Western Tanager

Sparrow and Bluebird

Chipping Sparrow Chipping Sparrow

We also encountered a Chipping Sparrow and a Mountain Bluebird. The sparrow’s delicate chirps and the bluebird’s vibrant blue feathers were charming additions to our birdwatching adventure. Seeing these birds perched gracefully in their natural habitat brought a sense of joy and tranquility.

Mountain Bluebird Mountain Bluebird

Towhee and Robin

Green-tailed Towhee Green-tailed Towhee

As we neared the end of our hike, we spotted a Green-tailed Towhee and an American Robin. The towhee’s subtle green tones and the robin’s familiar red breast added variety to our sightings. Watching the robin hop between trees and the towhee foraging on the ground was a delightful end to our birdwatching journey.

American Robin American Robin

Reflecting on Our Hike

Trail View Trail View

Our morning hike on the Upper Beaver Meadow Loop Trail was a perfect blend of easy physical activity and the joy of discovering the park’s natural beauty and wildlife. The warm, sunny weather enhanced the serene meadows of Rocky Mountain National Park, making our short walk a truly memorable experience.

Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel


Trail View Trail View

As we reflect on our hike, we feel grateful for the time spent together in such a beautiful setting. The Upper Beaver Meadow Loop Trail provided us with peaceful moments and delightful birdwatching encounters. We eagerly anticipate our next adventure, ready to explore more trails and uncover new wonders in the great outdoors.

Indian blanket flower Indian blanket flower

Length: 1.1 (miles)
Difficulty: easy
Date of the hike: 2024-07-06