A Scenic Afternoon: Hiking the Nymph, Dream, Emerald, and Haiyaha Lakes

ColoradoRocky MountainNational Park

Lake Haiyaha Lake Haiyaha

This past early July, we set out for an afternoon hike on the Nymph, Dream, Emerald, and Haiyaha Lakes Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park. This moderate 5.0-mile trail led us through a series of stunning alpine lakes, offering breathtaking scenery, warm sunny weather, and delightful birdwatching moments.

Trail View Trail View

Starting at Nymph Lake

Nymph Lake Nymph Lake

Our adventure began at Nymph Lake, where the trail greeted us with its picturesque beauty. The warm summer sun shone brightly, casting a golden glow over the water lilies floating on the lake’s surface. The tranquil setting provided a perfect start to our hike, setting the stage for the natural wonders to come.

Overlook Overlook

Enchanting Dream Lake

Dream Lake Dream Lake

As we made our way to Dream Lake, we were captivated by the stunning views of the surrounding peaks reflected in the clear, serene waters.

Dream Lake Dream Lake

This lake lived up to its name, offering a dreamy landscape that felt almost magical.

Trout Trout

Birdwatching at Dream Lake

Canada Jay Canada Jay

Dream Lake proved to be a hotspot for bird activity. We were delighted to spot a Canada Jay, its soft gray plumage blending harmoniously with the natural surroundings.

Clark’s Nutcracker Clark’s Nutcracker

Not far from there, we noticed a Clark’s Nutcracker perched on a pine branch, its striking black and white plumage standing out against the evergreen foliage. Adding to the charm, a group of Mallard chicks waded around, their playful antics bringing a smile to our faces.

Mallard chicks Mallard chicks

Discovering Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake Emerald Lake

Our next stop was Emerald Lake, where the crystal-clear waters and dramatic mountain backdrop took our breath away. The serene lake, surrounded by towering peaks, provided a perfect spot to rest and take in the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

Trail View Trail View

Yellow-rumped Warbler at Lake Haiyaha

Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler

Continuing our hike, we arrived at Lake Haiyaha, known for its unique rock formations and turquoise waters. Here, we were delighted to spot a Yellow-rumped Warbler having a snack in the trees.

Lake Haiyaha Lake Haiyaha

Watching this vibrant little bird flit about energetically was a highlight of our birdwatching experience. Its cheerful presence added a lively touch to the serene mountain landscape.

Overlook Overlook

Reflecting on Our Hike

River River

Our afternoon hike on the Nymph Lake Trail, visiting Nymph, Dream, Emerald, and Haiyaha Lakes, was a perfect blend of moderate physical activity and the joy of discovering the park’s natural beauty and wildlife. The warm, sunny weather enhanced the stunning scenery of Rocky Mountain National Park, making our adventure truly memorable.

Pine Squirrel Pine Squirrel


Overlook Overlook

As we reflect on our hike, we feel grateful for the time spent together in such a spectacular setting. The Nymph, Dream, Emerald, and Haiyaha Lakes Trail provided us with breathtaking views, peaceful moments, and delightful birdwatching encounters.

Trail View Trail View

We eagerly anticipate our next adventure, ready to explore more trails and uncover new wonders in the great outdoors.

Tall fringed bluebells Tall fringed bluebells

Length: 5 (miles)
Difficulty: moderate
Date of the hike: 2024-07-05