A Tranquil Saturday: Hiking the La Orilla Trail

San DiegoCalifornia

Common Yellowthroat Common Yellowthroat

This past Saturday morning, we set off on a serene hike along the La Orilla Trail in the San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve near San Diego, California. The easy 2.7-mile trail provided a perfect blend of leisurely walking and abundant birdwatching, all under a cloudy, overcast spring sky.

Trail View Trail View

An Overcast Beginning

Young Cottontail Rabbit Young Cottontail Rabbit

We began our hike under a canopy of clouds, which lent a gentle calm to the day. The cool, overcast weather was ideal for an easy stroll, making the natural beauty of the lagoon even more inviting. The soft light enhanced the subtle hues of the landscape, creating a peaceful atmosphere as we started our journey.

San Elijo Lagoon San Elijo Lagoon

A Birdwatcher's Paradise

Black Phoebe Black Phoebe

San Elijo Lagoon is a haven for bird enthusiasts, and we were thrilled by the variety of species we encountered. Almost immediately, a Black Phoebe caught our attention, darting gracefully to catch insects. Soon after, we spotted a charming Scaly-breasted Munia, its intricate feather pattern a delight to observe.

Scaly-breasted Munia Scaly-breasted Munia

Delighting in Diversity

Bewick's Wren Bewick's Wren

As we continued, the diverse avian life of the lagoon revealed itself. A Bewick's Wren flitted through the underbrush, while a California Gnatcatcher hopped energetically from branch to branch.

California Gnatcatcher California Gnatcatcher

Overhead, the gentle cooing of a Mourning Dove added a soothing soundtrack to our walk.

Mourning Dove Mourning Dove

Highlights Along the Trail

Black-necked Stilt Black-necked Stilt

One of the highlights of our hike was watching a Black-necked Stilt wading elegantly in the shallow waters. Nearby, an Osprey perched high on a branch, its keen eyes scanning the lagoon for fish.

Osprey Osprey

The sight of a young House Finch being fed by its parent was particularly heartwarming, a sweet reminder of the nurturing side of nature.

House Finches House Finches

Encounters with Common and Rare Birds

Snowy Egret Snowy Egret

We were fortunate to spot a Common Yellowthroat, its bright yellow plumage standing out against the greenery. A Snowy Egret, with its distinctive white feathers and black legs, moved gracefully through the water, a picture of elegance. The California Towhee, with its earthy tones, blended seamlessly into the natural backdrop.

California Towhee California Towhee

Bushtits and a Scrub-Jay Finale

Bushtits Bushtits

Towards the end of our hike, a flock of Bushtits flitted around us, their tiny forms moving in unison like a well-choreographed dance. Finally, a California Scrub-Jay made an appearance, its bold colors and assertive presence a fitting end to our birdwatching adventure.

California Scrub-Jay California Scrub-Jay

A Perfect Morning

Trail View Trail View

As we completed the La Orilla Trail, we felt a deep sense of contentment. The hike had offered a perfect balance of easy walking and the joy of discovering a wide variety of birds. The overcast sky, far from dulling the experience, had added a unique charm to our morning.

Western thistle Western thistle


Trail View Trail View

Our Saturday hike along the La Orilla Trail was a wonderful reminder of the simple pleasures found in nature. It was a beautiful way to spend time together, and we left with our spirits lifted and our hearts full of gratitude for the natural world. We look forward to many more such mornings, discovering new trails and the hidden treasures they hold.

Fremon's bushmallow Fremon's bushmallow

Trail name: La Orilla Trail
Length: 2.7 (miles)
Difficulty: easy
Date of the hike: 2024-06-08