A Serene Saturday Morning: Hiking the Coast to Crest Trail

San DiegoCaliforniaDel Mar

House Finch House Finch

Sunny, warm spring days in Southern California are perfect for outdoor adventures. Recently, we decided to spend our Saturday morning hiking the Coast to Crest Trail at the San Dieguito Lagoon in Del Mar, California. This easy, 5.1-mile trail offered a delightful escape into nature, with the promise of birdwatching and beautiful scenery.

Overlook Overlook

Starting Our Journey

Trail View Trail View

We began our hike under a clear blue sky, the sun gently warming the path ahead of us. The Coast to Crest Trail is known for its accessibility and ease, making it an ideal choice for a leisurely yet invigorating walk. The sounds of nature greeted us as we set out, adding to the sense of tranquility that surrounded us.

Cliff Swallow Cliff Swallow

Birdwatching Highlights

Song Sparrow Song Sparrow

One of the most enjoyable aspects of our hike was the variety of bird species we encountered along the way. Early on, we spotted a Song Sparrow perched on a branch, its melodious tune filling the air. Not long after, the vibrant flash of an Allen’s Hummingbird caught our eye as it darted from flower to flower.

Allen’s Hummingbird Allen’s Hummingbird

A Symphony of Avian Activity

Northern Mockingbird Northern Mockingbird

As we continued along the trail, we were delighted by the sight of a Northern Mockingbird singing from the top of a nearby tree. Further along, a Common Yellowthroat made a brief appearance, its striking plumage standing out against the greenery. We were especially thrilled to come across a large group of Cliff Swallows, their acrobatic flights a mesmerizing display of coordination and grace.

Common Yellowthroat Common Yellowthroat

Diverse Birdlife and Scenic Views

Anna’s Hummingbird Anna’s Hummingbird

House Finches were a common sight throughout our hike, their cheerful chirps adding to the ambient sounds of the lagoon. We were fortunate to see both an Anna’s Hummingbird and an American Goldfinch, their bright colors adding splashes of vibrancy to our morning adventure.

American Goldfinch American Goldfinch

Soaking in the Beauty of San Dieguito Lagoon

Overlook Overlook

The trail offered not only opportunities for birdwatching but also stunning views of the San Dieguito Lagoon. The serene waters and lush vegetation created a picturesque backdrop for our hike. We took moments to pause and appreciate the natural beauty around us, feeling a deep sense of peace and contentment.

Overlook Overlook


Overlook Overlook

Our hike on the Coast to Crest Trail was a perfect way to spend a sunny Saturday morning. The combination of easy terrain, abundant birdlife, and scenic views made for an unforgettable experience. As we made our way back to the trailhead, we felt grateful for the chance to connect with nature and each other in such a beautiful setting. This hike left us rejuvenated and eager to explore more of the natural wonders that Southern California has to offer.

Sour fig Sour fig

Length: 5.1 (miles)
Difficulty: easy
Date of the hike: 2024-05-18