Embarking on an Adventure: Cedar Creek Falls Trail

San DiegoCaliforniaNational ForestCleveland

Cedar Creek Falls Cedar Creek Falls

On a sunny winter morning, we geared up for an adventurous hike along the Cedar Creek Falls Trail near San Diego. With a trail difficulty rated as hard and spanning 5.4 miles, this trek promised not only physical exertion but also the awe-inspiring reward of witnessing the majestic waterfall. The excitement in the air was palpable as we set out on this challenging yet invigorating journey.

Trail View Trail View

Permits and Permission: The Gateway to Cedar Creek Falls

Trail View Trail View

The trail's exclusivity added an element of anticipation; a permit was our ticket to access the wonders that awaited. Navigating through the necessary procedures, we secured our entry, ready to explore the rugged beauty of Cedar Creek Falls. The required permit system ensured a mindful exploration, emphasizing the importance of preserving the delicate ecosystem.

Trail View Trail View

Nature's Symphony: The Soundtrack of Flowing Water

Cedar Creek Falls Cedar Creek Falls

As we approached the falls, the distant murmur of flowing water began to accompany our footsteps. The sound, more invigorating than tranquil, echoed through the canyon, creating a natural soundtrack to our adventure. The flowing waterfall became the crescendo of our journey, a testament to the raw power and beauty of nature.

Trail View Trail View

Water Crossings: Navigating Three Small Creeks

Cedar Creek Cedar Creek

To reach the waterfall, we encountered three small creeks, each inviting us to embrace the challenge of crossing. The gurgling water added an element of playfulness to the hike, reminding us that nature, even in its more formidable aspects, can be an enjoyable companion. Strategically stepping across the rocks, we navigated the creeks with a sense of accomplishment.

Trail View Trail View

Avian Company: California Scrub-jay's Call

California Scrub-jay California Scrub-jay

As we ascended, a California Scrub-jay made its presence known, perched on a branch and calling out to the surroundings. Its vibrant blue feathers stood out against the winter foliage, adding a burst of color to the trail. The Scrub-jay's call became a friendly greeting, a reminder that we were not alone in our journey.

Foraging Friends: White-crowned Sparrows Amidst the Bushes

White-crowned Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow

Our ascent brought us across a group of White-crowned Sparrows, diligently foraging amidst the bushes. Their lively presence added a touch of animation to the landscape. Watching them hop and flit from branch to branch, we appreciated the bustling activity of wildlife in this seemingly secluded terrain.


Overlook Overlook

As we stood before Cedar Creek Falls, the culmination of our challenging hike, the sense of triumph eclipsed the exertion. The flowing waterfall, the water crossings, the company of a California Scrub-jay, and the foraging White-crowned Sparrows collectively formed a narrative of resilience and reward. The Cedar Creek Falls Trail, with its difficulty, permits, and natural wonders, provided not just a hike but a victorious journey into the heart of nature's grandeur.

Lizard Lizard

Length: 5.4 (miles)
Difficulty: hard
Date of the hike: 2024-01-06