A Symphony of Nature: Exploring Palomar's Lower Doane and Weir Trail Loop

San DiegoCaliforniaPalomar MountainState Park

Trail View Trail View

This Saturday, we embarked on a delightful exploration of Palomar Mountain State Park, tracing the easy, 2.7-mile path of the Lower Doane and Weir Trail Loop, and the Doane Pond Trail. The sun-drenched fall day promised not just a hike but a front-row seat to the lively performance of nature. Birds, in particular, were the stars of the show, captivating us with their vibrant presence and lively antics.

Doane Pond Doane Pond

Woodpeckers and Acorns

Acorn Woodpecker Acorn Woodpecker

As we began our journey, the woods echoed with the rhythmic drumming of Acorn Woodpeckers. High in the trees, these industrious birds were busy stashing acorns, a testament to nature's preparation for the upcoming winter. Their vibrant red caps added splashes of color to the autumn landscape, and their energetic activities painted the forest with a lively charm.

Overlook Overlook

Nuthatches and Jays

White-breasted Nuthatch White-breasted Nuthatch

The trail unfolded beneath the canopy of oaks, offering glimpses of White-breasted Nuthatches gracefully foraging on tree trunks. Their nimble movements added a touch of elegance to the woodland scene. Above, the Steller's Jays were true to their reputation, making their presence known with boisterous calls. Their electric blue plumage created vivid contrasts against the green foliage, transforming the forest into a living canvas.

Steller's Jay Steller's Jay

Ravens and Creeper

Common Raven Common Raven

Further along the trail, Common Ravens graced the treetops, their deep croaks harmonizing with the rustling leaves. Perched on sturdy branches, they seemed to observe the trail with an air of wisdom. A Brown Creeper, almost invisible as it silently ascended a tree, added an element of mystery to the avian cast. Nature's performers, each with their unique role, created a symphony that echoed through the woods.

Brown Creeper Brown Creeper

Deer Encounter

Buck Buck

As we neared the conclusion of our hike, a quiet revelation awaited us. A couple of deer, graceful and unassuming, emerged from the foliage. Their presence added a touch of wild elegance to the landscape. We observed them with a sense of shared serenity, appreciating the harmony of the natural world.

Overlook Overlook


Doane Pond Doane Pond

Our Saturday morning hike on the Lower Doane and Weir Trail Loop and Doane Pond Trail became a story woven with the threads of nature's vibrancy. The birds, with their lively performances, and the unexpected encounter with deer, left us with hearts full of gratitude for the beauty surrounding us.

Fungi Fungi

In the tapestry of this autumn adventure, every bird sighting and rustle of leaves became a chapter in the vibrant narrative of Palomar Mountain. As we retraced our steps, the sun casting long shadows, we carried with us the echoes of the lively avian symphony and the silent grace of deer, a harmonious memory etched in the book of our shared explorations.

Length: 2.7 (miles)
Difficulty: easy
Date of the hike: 2023-10-28